Invisible Braces for Adults: Are They Right for You?

Posted by Jitender Kumar
2 days ago

As an adult, you will find yourself weighing up the benefits of orthodontic treatment in terms of your lifestyle and aesthetic preferences. There is a bright side, however, as modern advances have provided solutions catering for functional needs, as well as cosmetic ones. Harbor Family Orthodontics can be helpful when deciding whether invisible braces could work for you. This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the things you'll need to know about clear braces and their suitability for adult patients.

What Are Clear Braces?

Invisible braces, or better known as clear aligners, are arguably the most popular orthodontic treatment. They are made to order and so clear that you can hardly even see them-these are plastic trays that shift your teeth into place overtime. Invisible braces are not noticeable at all, not even a little bit, because of their invisible status-that makes it even more appealing for those who want to continue looking professional during and after treatment.

While some of the best-known brands include Invisalign and ClearCorrect, your orthodontist at Harbor Family Orthodontics will ensure that you obtain the best brand possible based on your special dental needs.

Advantages of Invisible Braces for Adults

Invisible braces have many advantages over traditional braces, particularly when it comes to patients. Some of these advantages include:

  • Aesthetics: The most important reason choose invisible braces is that they are aesthetic. You can flash a happy smile even throughout the entire course of treatment since these transparent aligners are pretty much invisible.
  • Comfort: Because they are made of smooth plastic, clear aligners avoid the discomfort associated with metal wires and brackets.
  • Removability: Invisible braces are removable as opposed to the regular braces. You can eat your favorite foods, maintain better oral hygiene, and remove the aligners for special occasions if necessary.
  • Custom Fit: The aligners will be custom-made for your teeth so that they are snug and comfortable enough for proper efficient tooth movement to occur.

Are Invisible Braces Right for You?

Though invisible braces have so many good things going for them, it cannot be used by every. Some facts about it have to be considered when deciding if they really are the best for you:

  • The level of complexity of your case: Invisible braces are ideal for mild to moderately orthodontic needs, including crowding, gaps, and minor bite issues. Other, more complicated cases may require traditional braces for optimal results. Harbor Family Orthodontics's orthodontist can evaluate your case at your consultation and recommend the best possible course of action for you.
  • Commitment: The most important requirement in successful invisible orthodontics is your commitment to wearing them for 20-22 hours each day. If you do not wear the aligners constantly, then that is going to prolong the time needed to treat you, or worse, it might not give you the same result.
  • Maintenance: Keep your aligners clean for proper oral hygiene to avoid staining or odors. They need to be cleaned regularly and should be removed during meals or when drinking anything that is not water.
  • Age and Bone Structure: The clear plastic aligners are suitable for all ages. However, due to dense bone structure, older patients will respond slower, but it is not a contradiction to treat them. They just may need a longer treatment.

Process of the Treatment

There is nothing complicated about getting invisible braces. Upon scheduling an appointment with your orthodontist at Harbor Family Orthodontics, they will discuss your goals for treatment and review your teeth, then take digital impressions or molds, which are used to create your custom aligners.

You will be provided with a set of aligners to be worn for two weeks, at which time you will switch to a new set. You will have regular checkups to ensure your teeth are moving as planned. The average treatment time can run anywhere from 12 to 18 months, although this depends on the severity of your case.

Cost and Insurance Considerations

The price of invisible braces will be a little higher than traditional braces because it's technology. But most patients feel the added value of convenience and aesthetic benefits to be worth the investment. Harbor Family Orthodontics accepts flexible payment plans and most dental insurance policies cover part of orthodontic treatment. Make sure to speak with our team to discuss your options.

Conclusion: Is It Time for Invisible Braces?

As an, selecting invisible braces can improve one's confidence and have great dental health with no necessary effects on the face during treatment. Harbor Family Orthodontics wants to help you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile in a way that will fit your lifestyle. Contact us today for a consultation and find out if invisible braces are right for you.

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