The Commonplace Pest Exterminator Service Myths and the Reality

Posted by Emma L.
Sep 11, 2024

Pest control is necessary for hassle-free living in urban and rural regions. The humid and subtropical climate of New Orleans makes the area a habitat for various insects and rodents. Residents prioritize keeping these tiny but menacing creatures out of their properties. With time, the technology and methods used in pest control have improved by leaps and bounds. The ironic thing is that many myths and misconceptions are still harbored by people regarding pest control.   

The top myths surrounding pest control and the truth behind them

As per relevant resources, the top and prevalent myths on pest control and extermination harbored by people are:

  • DIY pest control is enough in most cases- Most people still feel they can keep insects and rodents away using DIY solutions. The reality is quite different. DIY solutions including OTC insect spray and rodent killers, may yield temporary results. Various termites and mosquito species thrive in New Orleans, and tackling them with OTC products can be tedious. A better option is hiring a professional New Orleans exterminator company.

  • Pest control service is harmful to health—Some people hesitate about hiring professional agencies because they feel such entities use strong, chemical-laden products for the job. This may impact the environment and the health of the customers. However, expert firms have started using greener solutions to reduce the impact on the environment. Nowadays, they primarily use biodegradable, non-toxic control solutions. 

  • Visible pests need extermination—Not all pests leave visible signs for house residents. It is quite commonplace to find people who think just because their homes are clean, there cannot be any insects and rodents! This is a gross misconception. Some creepy insects, including termites and certain types of bugs, can stay hidden within the crevices and corners of the property for months and years. Only veteran extermination agencies can find and eliminate such pestering creatures.

  • Pest control services cost a lot—Some people still think professional control services are too costly. However, the cost of these services has come down over time. Also, deploying comprehensive control services on every property may not be necessary. A professional company offering these services can inspect a property and recommend the required packages. Not all homes may need rodent and termite removal, for example.  

  • Pest control is required after spotting invasion signs—Most people contact professional entities only after they spot insects or signs of invasion in their properties. However these companies also offer effective infestation prevention services. Such packages significantly reduce the risk of future or recurring infestations. Pelican Pest Control extermination services is a worthy contender here.

Summing it up

After debunking the prevalent myths on pest control, one needs to look for suitable companies operating in this niche. For this, they should focus on aspects like company image and tenure, reviews of their clients, warranty of services and cost of packages offered, etc. 

Ask your friends and colleagues if they can recommend a good service provider. Contact any one of them and get the needful done at the earliest. 

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