6 Eyeglasses Myths You Need To Get Over With
Myths are everywhere including about eyeglasses. Perhaps you have grown to hear these often that you now accept them as true. Many Kenyans now wear eyeglasses or contacts. Eye health is very important and it is very important to debunk these misconceptions limiting people from caring for their eyes. You have to stay informed about how you can actually protect your eyes, especially when wearing eyeglasses. Check out these myths about eyeglasses you should get over with.
Eye health is a very important consideration for everyone. Regardless of whether you are an athlete, university student, or online freelancer, it is very important to keep your eyes safe and protected. There is a lot of false information about wearing glasses in Kenya. Perhaps the article has helped you to dispel these misconceptions. A fine pair of quality eyeglasses is just a click away to meet your vision requirements and budget.
Eye exercises are enough
This is not true. Eye exercises are good but cannot be a substitute for eyeglasses. Eyes are complex organs that need protection from errors. Vision defects affect the ciliary muscles, eye shape, eye tissue health, and lens. Eye exercises might help but glasses or corrective lenses are better solutions. Prescription glasses are an affordable, practical, and safe solution to correct eye defects in the long run. Exercises allow the eyes to rest and avoid strain. However, it doesn’t change eye anatomy. Wearing glasses reinforces your eyes to see better and can be combined with regular eye exercise.
Wearing wrong prescription ruins eyesight
The chances are high that you have heard this countless times from family and friends. Glasses with the wrong prescription are likely to make your eyes lose focus for the time you have them on. This stress of focusing is likely to cause eye pain for only a few minutes. This makes people think glasses with wrong prescription cause permanent damage. Wrong prescriptions are likely to give you a headache and dizziness but no permanent eye damage.
Sports and wearing glasses do not mix
Believing this myth has kept many people wearing glasses away from sports. They fear that their glasses might break or disturb them during the action. Before getting eyeglasses, you have to visit the best opticians in Nairobi for a prescription. You will also get recommendations on tough glasses with sturdy frames. This will dispel any fears of your glasses breaking when involved in sport. Luckily, you can book an eye test online and order the glasses online to arrive within one to three days.
UV lenses allow staring at the sun directly
It is true that eyeglasses with UV protection offer additional protection from harmful UV light bouncing off objects. Staring at the sun directly causes solar retinopathy. This is short-term damage resulting from extreme ultraviolet light entering year retina. Keep in mind that even the best sunglasses cannot be 100 percent at blocking UV light or to watch the eclipse. Wearing UV protective glasses gives confidence that takes away the natural ability to avoid looking at bright light. However, avoid staring directly at the sun or solar eclipse to avoid permanent blindness.
Eyes need a break from eyeglasses
There is nothing wrong with getting hooked to wearing your new glasses regularly. You do not need to give your eyes rest from the glasses. Regular wear of eyeglasses is very important to give your eyes enough time to adjust to the glasses. Moving or doing chores with your glasses off is likely to give you blurry vision. After your eyes are hooked to your spectacles, there is no excuse to take them off. Taking the glasses off to give your eyes some rest is likely to make your vision worse. Avoid straining your eyes by wearing your glasses always.
Eyeglasses are unappealing
This is the final myth about eyeglasses. With the range of glasses in stylish frames and designs, eyeglasses will definitely enhance your looks. Glasses have come a long way from the huge nerdy glasses to stylish ones including rimless glasses. You can always step out looking stunning wearing eyeglasses regardless of whether you are going to work or out on a date. There is no need to get worried about wearing ugly glasses.
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