5 Signs That Show Your Business Is All Set For Digital Transformation  

Posted by Flexsin Inc
Apr 25, 2023

Digital transformation has become one of the top buzzwords in the business landscape. Many companies are leveraging digital transformation services that help improve their business processes and earn a strong competitive edge. But when will you know that your business is ready for digital transformation? In this explainer, we will give you five signs that your business will show when it is all set to enable digital transformation. 


Changing Customer Expectations 


Today’s digital age wants your business to deliver convenient and fast services. Maybe your customers want more digital options, including self-service portals, mobile apps, and online ordering. If so, your customers are looking forward to your business’s digital transformation. As per a recent Salesforce recent study, 64 percent of the surveyed customers want companies to offer real-time assistance. The same study points out that over 62 percent of customers expect companies to offer them personalized engagement based on their past purchases. 

Struggling With Legacy Business Processes 


Does your business still rely on manual processes and legacy technology that may be crippling its effectiveness? If you nod in the affirmative, then now is the time to streamline your operations, minimize errors, and automate mundane tasks. As per McKinsey research, companies that drive digital transformation can maximize their productivity by more than 40 percent. 


Seeing The Competition Racing Ahead Of You 


Your competitors may be ready to implement digital transformation initiatives. Some of them may be successfully using digital transformation services to put these initiatives from paper to the real world. But is your business enabling enterprise-wide digital transformation? If your business’s digital transformation strategy is still on paper, now is the time to catch up. The consequences of falling behind in digital transformation can be grave. In fact, if your business deprioritizes digital transformation, it may lose a significant chunk of its market share and reduce its innovation quotient. As per an HBR survey, almost 90 percent of the surveyed execs believe that digital transformation is integral to driving business success.  


Storing Data In Siloes 


Are your datasets distributed across disconnected systems that make them difficult to access? If so, then digital transformation should be on the cards. With a unified data platform implemented, your business will derive actionable insights into its processes. As per a study undertaken by Aberdeen Group, businesses that enjoy a unified view of their data assets can improve decision-making by almost 36 percent. 


Understanding That Your Workforce Is All Set For Change 


The biggest requirement for propelling digital transformation has to be a workforce that celebrates change. The other big requirement for enabling digital transformation includes creating and sustaining a culture of innovation. A workforce that is resistant to change lacks the skills required to enable digital transformation. And if your workforce is not ready to accept change, then you have to invest sizably in training and development programs. As per a Deloitte study, approximately 72 percent of executives believe that reskilling and upskilling their workforce is necessary for executing different digital transformation initiatives. 



Partnering With A Reliable Digital Transformation Company 


All in all, digital transformation is no one-size-fits-all solution. Your business may be ready for a digital transformation strategy, but getting it on track may seem daunting. If that is the case, then partnering with a digital transformation company, such as Flexsin, will be important. At Flexsin, we have deep capabilities in helping businesses become future-proof by investing wisely in digital transformation. We help businesses include the latest technologies—blockchain, metaverse, data analytics, cloud, etc.—to create improved digital transformation outcomes. Connect with our digital experts and see how we can help you with your digital transformation endeavors.  

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