5 important factors to consider while buying round plastic bins

Posted by kapil Mehta
Mar 17, 2020

The generation of waste materials is almost done everywhere in schools, in the offices and industries and factories. So what should you do to ensure that are stored and disposed of safely? Just ensure that they are thrown in the correct round plastic bin for collecting waste materials.

Waste bins are manufactured by the companies based on certain standards with logos and symbols of exactly what type of waste can they store. The round plastic bins are made with certain specifications and composition material so that they can contain the waste materials for safe disposal.

Here are some of the points that are vital when buying these waste bins-

How much capacity do you require?

Focus on how much waste products would be generated in your place of work whether in the office or at home or even in your school. Buying bigger than required round plastic bin would not only look odd but it would also consume a lot of space in your area of work.

How many of them do you require?

Waste bins come in a lot of different sizes. So the size of your round plastic bin matters. What type of size do you exactly require? Ensure that it is enough so that the waste products can be safely stored and ensure it does not spill out or else it may look very ugly and create a foul smell in your place of work.

Covered or uncovered?

If you are buying round plastic bins for only throwing waste materials such as glass, paper, etc then you may opt for the open bins. But if your place of work generates biodegradable wastes and organic wastes then it is better to go for a covered round plastic bin to ensure that it does not create a foul smell. For this you can ensure that they are wastes stored are disposed of daily so that your place of work remains clean and hygienic.

Ease of collection

The size of the round plastic bins should be such that it can be lifted and safely disposed of by one person. Going for a large waste bin might cause it to weigh too much when it is full. If you have to buy larger sizes and have no other option then you can opt for a waste bin that comes with wheels so that they can be moved easily.

Logos and symbols

Logos and symbols on the round plastic bins are very essential for the segregation of the different waste products. If you have to store different types of wastes make sure that the symbols that clearly define what type of waste you can store in them. Especially the biodegradable ones and the non-biodegradable ones should be segregated separately.

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