5 Common Sprinkler System Problems You May Face

Posted by Shawn William
Apr 20, 2022

A domestic sprinkler system runs with a set mechanism, and it can be broken anytime. The sprinkler system will stop operating if you fail to look for its potential damaged condition and the required fixing issues on time.

Therefore, make sure you know about the most common problems with domestic sprinkler systems. 

Damaged or Broken Pipes: You may face a damaged or broken pipe condition due to the wear and tear of using for years. A domestic sprinkler system is made mainly from PVC, which may lead to cracking over the period.

Therefore, you should keep an eye on the damaged pipes because they will not work correctly when the pipes are broken.

Poor Water Pressure: One of the most common problems with sprinkler systems is low water pressure. It can cause broken pipes or issues with the system pump. Ensure you inspect the problem and the source of getting low water flow. Fix them immediately with the help of a professional.

Broken Sprinkler Head: When the sprinkler head is damaged, it can be broken and stop working correctly. When you find out the sprinkler head is broken, consider replacing it. It’s easy and affordable to replace sprinkler heads. Hire a technician to remove the broken sprinkler head, or you can do it yourself too.

Clogged Sprinkler Head: You will also notice the sprinkler head is somewhat clogged, and the regular water flow is jammed. An uncleaned sprinkler head can produce debris over the period, restraining the system from normal activity.

You must take care of the sprinkler head and keep it clean for a longer lifespan.

Faulty Valves: Your sprinkler valves might be stuck, and in that case, the sprinkler will keep running even though they are supposed to shut off. It loses control, and the sprinkler system stops working properly. Ensure the valves aren’t stuck to protect your domestic sprinkler system from faulty conditions.

Overall, inspect the domestic sprinkler system often. You can do it yourself or ask for a professional’s help. You may find potential problems and try to fix them before anything shows up. 

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