4 Deadly End of Lease Cleaning Mistakes That Can Hold Back Your Bond

Posted by James Spencer
Aug 21, 2019
Relocating to a new house has never been so easy. From packing expensive household items to cleaning the existing rented accommodation, it turns out to be a daunting task to most of the homeowners. When it comes to end of lease cleaning, you can't afford to keep a single item untidy and messy as it can increase the risk of costly penalties. Also, if there is severe damage to furniture or fixtures, you might not get your bond back at the worst.
If you are on the verge of your lease agreement and planning to relocate soon, check out the common cleaning mistakes which you should avoid in order to get back the full amount of deposit money.
bond cleaning

Leaving Your Carpets Stained and Dirty
Carpet is one of the core home decors that attract attention of guests or neighbours every time they visit your house. It's often the first area of inspection by landlords at the end of lease term. If your carpet has developed stains or spots which you forgot to treat on time, then without any further delay you should contact the carpet cleaning professionals to remove the stains by strong detergents. A stained carpet is sufficient to agitate your landlord and cut down your deposit money to a significant extent.
Using Strong Cleaning Sprays on Electronics
It all goes fine till you apply cleaners on the window glasses. But if you consider it applying to all other electronics such as LCD TVs, washing machines etc., then it's probably the biggest blunder you can ever make. Window cleaners can react the other way round and damage the electrical appliances to a great extent. Electrical items are costly and a slight mistake can put your bond on hold. So, it's always better to opt for professional bond cleaning in Melbourne where the experts apply professional cleaners that don't cause any harm to the appliances.
Leaving Your Dishwasher and Kitchen Untidy
Kitchen is often the prime area of checks when it comes to end of lease inspections. Most homeowners consider a basic clean up of their kitchen and often overlook the cookware and other kitchen essentials. Needless to say, it can agitate your landlord and create a negative impression. End of lease cleaning holds great importance when it comes to recovering your deposit money. Like the way you would expect to get the full deposit money back; similarly, your landlord would also expect to get back the property in a neat and clean condition.
kitchen cleaning

Not Paying Attention to Mould Problems
Mould is a serious issue and needs proper care and attention, especially if you are residing in a rented property. Mould can develop due to poor ventilation systems and also due to wet floors and walls. Often, bathroom is susceptible to mould growth. If your bathroom tiles and grouts have developed mould and grime, you should contact the experts offering professional end of tenancy cleaning in Melbourne to avoid further damage to the bathroom floors. Mould is a severe issue which needs to be treated on priority, failing which might result in forfeiture of your deposit money.
Bottom Line
For securing your bond at the end of the lease agreement, you need to pay special attention to the chores and take necessary measures to avoid costly penalties. For quality and professional end of lease cleaning, you can seek expert help anytime.
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