Intel introduces 3-D transistor

Posted by Bipin Shah
May 6, 2011

 Intel is all set to unveil the first 3-D transistors ever, and announced that it is in the process of manufacturing. This new generation technology will cram more transistors onto microchip . Intel's rival ARM, whose chip technology is favored in devices like Apple's iPad , will be the most affected.


This new announcement comes in to capture the market of PCs, smartphone and tablets.

The 3-D transistor is code named as Ivy Bridge. Initially it will be made available to PC and server chips and later it will be extended for mobile devices. Eventually the 3-D chips will be introduced into automobile and medical industry.

The first foundation 3-D transistors were laid in 2002 and finally these chips are ready to hit the market.
This new 3-D Tri-Gate transistors guarantees improved performance as it lowers the amount of voltage consumption with less leakage. These 22nm Tri-Gate transistors will use less than half the power at the same performance as 2-D 32nm chips. The CPU performance will increase and will have higher speed.

Intel is now in the battle to become the manufacturer for Apples A4 and A5 series of chips, which is powered by its rival ARM. It is responsible for all Apple's mobility products such as the iPhone, iPad. The initiation of 3-D transistor is to capitalize the demand for smartphone and tablet.

Intel "x86" which was originally designed to deliver heavy performance to PCs is not applicable for mobile devices. Since the 1960s, Intel and other semiconductor companies have invested billions of dollars in research and development for evolution of transistors that can be squeezed onto microchips and it pave the way for smaller and faster electronics products.

Intel last month raised its capital spending plan for 2011 to $10.2 billion from $9 billion. Shares of Intel rose about 2 percent to close at $23.50.

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Comments (1)
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

I wonder what they mean by 3-D, I guess I will have to look further in computer magazines, thanks for sharing this info, Babu

May 6, 2011 Like it
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