Posted by Marius Wlassak
494 Pageviews

"The Ride" just began. Catch up => JOIN NOW

PaidViewpoint is the market research survey site built upon 4 principles:

  • We pay cash for every completed market research survey.
  • We never screen you out once you've been invited into a survey.
  • We've cracked the code that takes "boring" out of the survey answering experience.
  • Privacy – we never ask you to register your real name or complete physical address.

When you participate at PV as a member, your privacy is protected.

You will notice when you register at PV that we do not ask for your full name. We ask for a user name for the purpose of addressing you in emails and displaying your wins to our community on our home page and past winner's pages. You are free to supply a pseudonym on PV. We are not interested in your real name. We also do not ask for your precise address. Depending on your country of residence, you may need to supply your phone number in order to validate your account

In the US, we ask for your state, county and zip code. In other countries we may as for similar geographic and postal information, but not your precise address. We ask for your email address at registration. We will not rent, sell or share your email address with anyone without your expressed permission, except in the rare instances required by law such as to comply with a subpoena, or similar legal process and when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request.

Join the Force !!!...