
Eddie Garret

Garage Door Professional in Savannah, Last online: 1 month ago

Contact Info

You need a garage door, but do you know what kind? Savannah Garage Door & Co offers the most up to date and newest styles of doors with cutting edge openers.

I'm sure you're looking for an upgrade that will not only add beauty to your home - it's time-tested durability is there too! At our company we have residential as well as commercial services so no matter where in Georiga are located or which type of service you require, come on over and let us show off some awesome new ideas for your fa


  • Manager
    May 2017 to Present

    Savannah Garage Door & Co is a leading provider of garage door services in Savannah, Georiga. We offer everything from new installations to repair and replacement work on all styles of doors for residential homes as well as commercial spaces. Our tec

  • APSense Member
    August 18, 2021

    Joined the APSense community.

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