The battle you’re going through is never fueled by the things other people do; it is fueled by your mind that gives these things importance. Don’t let this resentment take place in your day.

Even if you have a good reason to be angry and resentful, don’t. Why? The reason is simple: if something doesn’t have space in your day, it probably won’t happen in your life.

The key factor of success is to put yourself in the practice of this attitude. Practice is the key to true inner peace and contentment. By concentrating on positive attitudes rather than spending your energy worrying about what is upsetting you, you’re able to be more focused and more present. Knowing isn’t enough; you must apply! Willing isn’t enough; you must do! And if all you can do right now is a little bit, do it. Those little bits will add up. Value that is built over time, in small increments, tends to be value that also lasts for a long time.

Channel your energy into thoughts and actions that actually benefit your life – build positive daily rituals that build you. And as you move forward positively, remember, there is a huge amount of simplicity and freedom that comes into your life when you take nothing personally. 

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