There are so many instances in which we need to write content – for our own personal use, for the public to see, for an work or for pleasure. At times you might have a good idea of what you’d like to write about, however, getting the words on the page proves to be a more difficult task than anticipated. Don’t let the block stop you!

So you can either use Articoolo to write the article for you or take a deep breath, and follow these steps:


Writing is an intense activity which requires full concentration and a clear mind. Turn off your phone (or at least set it to silent), shut off the TV, sit in front of a desk, make yourself a cup of coffee and get into a writing mode.

Start by throwing ideas out

If you already have the basic topic on which you wish to write an article, start by jotting down associative ideas on a piece of paper. After scribbling everything and anything that crosses your mind, go on and erase the ones that you find less relevant and keep the ones that may enrich your article.

Don’t hesitate to browse the net and look for ideas. Look at what other people have previously written on the topic, search for images that are relevant for your topic and try to get inspiration.

Arrange your outline

Make a list of bullet points that will become the framework of your article. Now go on and look for materials on each bullet point. Try to make your sources as diverse as possible and avoid using just a single source.

Summarize your materials

One of the biggest problems the information age holds is the overflow of sources and materials. Having too much information is almost as difficult situation as not having any information. After tracking the best sources and deciding upon the relevant materials you will have to combine and summarize everything. Then, you will also probably have to re-write it in your own words (you don’t want someone else to claim that you stole their text, do you…?)

Become a storyteller

Everybody loves stories. Stories are enjoyable to read and make it fun to learn about things. Writing your article as if you are telling a story can increase the engagement your readers will experience, by placing the subject at hand in context and permitting them to see what they can take away from similar instances. Also, by writing about your very own experiences, you’re able to express your knowledge legitimately.

Let it flow

You should feel happy and enthusiastic about your article. This is probably the only way to write a good piece of text and enjoy while writing it. When you feel the need to express your own opinions about a certain topic, words will just begin to flow onto the paper. Don’t let anything stop you, just keep on going as long as you have that inspirational stream.

In case you don’t get that feeling, try to think of a different topic to write about or find other aspects which deal with your original topic.

Embrace quotes

Quoting someone else’s writing is not necessarily plagiarism as long as you keep it clear that this is a quote and don’t forget to credit the original writer that you have quoted them. Quotes can be a very elegant way to add depth and length to your article and reinforce your ideas with a seal of quality.

Add images and videos

A picture says 1,000 words, a video sometimes says 10,000. Find relevant visual media and add it to your article. When adding a photo or video make sure it is free to use and its rights are not protected.

Go back to your text

Once completing your article give yourself a break. This break can last 10 minutes or 24 hours, but let your text rest for a while. When you return to it, it will suddenly make more sense to you and you will be able to correct, add or drop part of it. It is strongly advised to go back and edit only once you haven’t looked at it for a while, as you will have a fresh perspective and will be much more efficient.

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