In a team, what counts is the strength of each member. Indeed, the strength of each member is the foundation of the strengths and healthiness of the entire relationship. And, guys, when the relationships are healthy in a team, they lead to a powerful teamwork

In a powerful and trustworthy team, the members help each other make their half-hearted attempts more whole-hearted through passion, love and teamwork. Everyone in the team becomes a precious friend and teacher for all the other team members.  And, yes, you can find these people out there.  Connect with them and conquer the world together

One lesson to keep in mind is: “the most important trip you will ever take in life is meeting others half way.  You will achieve far more by working with people, rather than working alone or against them”.

In the other side, respect yourself enough to never feel guilty about removing toxic people from your life.  It doesn’t matter whether these people are relatives, romantic interests, coworkers, old friends, or new acquaintances – you don’t have to make room in your life for people who make you feel like you’re less than you are.

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