Healthy Meals Home Delivered in Brisbane Lift The Bar on Convenience Food Health

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For decades the realm of convenience foods has been dominated by the Fast Food chains like MacDonalds, Burger King and Kentucky Fried. Whilst such outlets have obviously filled a huge need, there is a growing realisation that eating this type of food on a regular basis is extremely bad for one's health!

Over the last decade we've seen springing up in food malls and shopping centres a much wider range of healthier "take away" food offerings especially all sorts of different variants on the Salad Bar theme, including Juice Bars, Sandwich Bars and so on.

But these types of outlets, as good as they are, mostly just cater for busy people at lunch time based around their work day. The main meal of the day, dinner, is consumed of course, mostly at home! But with more and more households having both occupants/parents working, the demand for "convenience food" at home has increased.

This has seen the rise of a new type of convenience food - home delivered meals. Perhaps once just the realm of pretty nasty supermarket packet soups or tinned "meals" now we are seeing a burgeoning of boutique healthy home delivered meal companies who offer the convenience of home-delivered meals with the healthfulness of home cooking, as seen by the recent $7M capital raising of the Freshly food company in New York.

Another such company is the recently launched Healthy Meals To Your Door, based in Brisbane Australia. Company Founder Lisa Cutforth, a qualified Nutritionist commented: "It's great to see that interest in really healthy meals being delivered at home is on the increase. As a busy mum and health professional myself, I know the challenges of dealing with the incessant "What's for dinner mum?!" question or the feeling for busy professionals working back late, that they just don't have time to think about what to cook, let alone getting to shop for ingredients and then cook it up! Plus of course, most of us want to feed our families really quality, healthy food, with an absolute minimum of saturated fats, and other "nasties", and a maximum of nutrient dense real foods"

"I love it that people are now more and more growing aware of the need to be conscious about what they eat every day for their main meals, even if they are busy and stressed... in fact if you're busy and stressed it's even more important that you eat super well!" Lisa stated.

"Yay! the days of greasy, saturated fat-filled, cholesterol raising junky food being the only convenient option for busy people are over for ever" She exclaimed. "I'm excited to be part of this growing, healthy movement, and would encourage people all over the world to investigate options for getting healthy meals home delivered instead of opting for less healthy fast-food options!

More information about Lisa's company can be found at