Sex Slaves Fate Rests On Anti-Carcinogenic Soap Crowdfunding Campaign

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Approximately 12,000 children today will be raped in Kolkata's Red Light District for the price of around $2 each. PremaTouch has launched an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to provide these women and children a better, safer way out. Their heartbreaking video challenges any viewer not to cry.

The highly emotional Child Sex Slavery video can be watched here on their crowdfunding page:

The video provides stark context to the campaign, which aims to raise over $250,000 to provide air conditioning for the PremaTouch Natural Soap Factory in India. This is the primary instrument in helping free these women from sex slavery, allowing them to recover, rehabilitate and learn valuable new skills; finding fulfillment by helping create a beneficial, high quality product.

Touch Nature is the non-profit organization behind PremaTouch; currently at work in India to end the horrific practice of sex trafficking in Kolkata. PremaTouch is their line of natural, anti-carcinogenic, coconut oil-based soaps - created by hand, by the women who were once kidnapped and forced into sex slavery at a very young age.

By including only high quality natural health-promoting ingredients in its soap, Prematouch makes an anti-carcinogen stance as its soaps are free of carcinogenic and harmful toxins often found in regular soaps.

This small natural soap factory and women's sanctuary provides them a way of re-adapting back into society, learning valuable, empowering new skills and being a part of creating something beautiful, to proudly help others feel more beautiful. The ladies learn to become more independent and immerse themselves safely into a healthier life.

Anyone who would like to support this work can do so on the Indiegogo page here:

Josephine Tan, founder of Touch Nature, says “What happened to a lot of women is they want to be able to earn money to help the family. So these middle men they see this opportunity to come and offer these women job opportunities, and therefore trick them into going along with them, and by the time they realize, they usually end up in a brothel and they have already been sold to the brothel owner.”

Touch Nature is dedicated to helping women who were taken by human traffickers, while they were still very young. The majority never learned how to read or write, which makes it hard for them to find decent jobs even after they have to buy their own freedom.

PremaTouch and Touch Nature offer sustainable employment and housing for victims of child rape and sex slavery in India. The home serves as a sanctuary and the factory serves as a way to grow their confidence and independence. All proceeds from sales of PremaTouch soap go towards running the soap factory and housing - and providing better alternative opportunities, for more women.

The Indiegogo campaign aims to bring more attention to their cause, and at the same time improve their facilities in order to provide more jobs to more women in India.

Josephine Tan says “We are a soap making company, and we found out that soap making is something that the ladies can do. By buying our products, we can offer more jobs to the ladies. Instead of making them dependent to us, we can help them to be independent through the jobs they are getting.”

With Touch Nature's soap product, PremaTouch, more women can be liberated from the sex trade. Those who are seeking opportunities to help support their family can also do so without engaging in the barbaric sex trade.

Proceeds from the Indiegogo campaign will be used to buy new equipment, for PremaTouch to continue expanding and improving their work. Funds will be used to buy equipment like a dehumidifier for the ladies, heat guns, plastic sealers, an air conditioning unit, and also fund for shipping fees to help expand the PremaTouch line to more countries around the world.

To donate to their cause, people should visit the Indiegogo campaign page.

Individuals or shop owners who are interested in selling PremaTouch products may do so by contacting them on

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