Texas Welcomes The Direct Selling Edge Conference

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Held since 2011, the Direct Selling Edge Conference has become the best and most informative two-day school for new and young direct sales companies.

Direct sales industry lawyer Kevin Thompson of Thompson Burton and sales compensation consultant Jay Leisner of Sylvina Consulting have teamed together to organize and host the 12th educational event led by the foremost experts in the direct sales fields.

For those who are starting or even just thinking about starting a direct selling company, this is the place to go for pure education to get the knowledge that is needed to be successful.

In a recent interview, direct sales industry attorney Kevin Thompson said, “Attend the event and meet the dream team of professionals teaching about the many elements involved in launching and growing successful direct sales industry companies. Attendees will learn about direct sales compensation, company recruiting, legal compliance, social media for direct selling companies, tax obligations, merchant accounts, direct sales software requirements and much more."

Jay Leisner says, "Attendees to the two day event will receive the highest return on investment. At only $250 for individual tickets and $300 for teams of 2 or 3, and $75 per ticket for groups of 4 or more, it's affordable enough to bring the whole team. Truly, staying home is not an option."

In addition to the education, attendees will have an opportunity to personally meet with speakers in 20 minute consulting appointments at the end of each day. Attendees can receive up to four hours of consultation from industry experts at no additional charge.

Direct selling entrepreneurs who are launching or direct sales companies will gain step-by-step knowledge on all of the following:

· how direct selling is different from other business models

· the differences and similarities between direct sales companies

· what recent FTC decisions mean for direct sales companies

· best practices and step-by-step instructions for creating an ethical and effective presence in the social media landscape

· the differences between different types of sales compensation and how to assess which plan type is best

· the ABC's of successful initial sales reps recruiting

· the major task list

· the key behaviors needed to motivate in, and the building blocks of, sales compensation

· the science behind sales compensation design

· what sales reps are looking for when they join a company

· what to do before obtaining direct sales software

· why a sales rep compliance system is important for a direct sales company

· learn about merchant accounts, payment gateways, and global payments

· sales tax collection and remittance obligations

· simple methods to keep a direct sales company safe from federal and state regulators

· common mistakes of startup companies

· 20 secrets of successful companies

and more, including a fast answers speaker panel that will answer many questions

At the end of each day, from 5pm until 6pm on Monday and from 5pm until 7pm on Tuesday, students will have an opportunity to meet with conference speakers for 15 minute appointments. From 6pm until 7pm on Monday, there will be a social networking reception.

Instant access to the event information can be obtained at the Direct Selling Edge website at http://www.directsellingedge.com.

For media inquiries, please visit http://www.directsellingedge.com