Hello friends i hope you all will be fine as i all ways request to all of you to help other they on the net for earning are our responsibility come to end when we give an link to any one and it is all no my friends when give with responsibility to they earn from that link that we want prepare one and him future and his related persons with him so dear friend kindly when we give link any one then must we transfer basic training and also and experience to him if he succeed to earn then we get prays and blessing even he is our referral so i request all of you help and complete help them we need a better society with better economy when we create people they stood on legs on there on legs we don't to create are production of beggars beauty of society is in that they earn and they change there life style and it the best reward for us and we have responsibility as human to help people all over the the world there have problem for every society have threat of bad things in every area of life every in the world middle class have problems if people come   rich and they are worried for there basic need then they will not doing good all the way they are worried for there needs medicines and also education and other things every one should play his roole in the society
 thank you 
best regds

Ali Mirani


email id is  ALi.mirani@yandex.com

whats up and viber number is +923453806302

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