The Bent Male Organ - Medications That May Cause Peyronie's Disease

Posted by John Dugan
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Some curvature of the manhood is common, but when one has a severely bent male organ, it can cause some significant issues for a man. There can be many causes of excessive curvature, and sometimes the medications a man is taking contribute to this condition. In order to ensure proper male organ health, men need to know a little about Peyronie’s disease, as excessive curvature is often called.

What is Peyronie’s disease?

As stated above, many men have a small or modest degree of curvature to their manhood when it is tumescent. This is not something to be concerned about. Many women find a degree of curvature quite aesthetically pleasing or exciting. As long as the curvature does not interfere with a man’s sensual pleasure, he usually need not be concerned.

In some cases, however, the bend is so extreme that sensual activity and enjoyment are negatively affected. When the source of this bending is a build-up of plaque or lumps in the member, it is typically diagnosed as Peyronie’s disease.

Type of curve

Peyronie’s is not associated with a particular type of curve. It may bend up, down, to the left or to the right; the direction does not matter in terms of diagnosis. Sometimes, plaque builds up on both the top and bottom of the organ; in these cases, it may cause the manhood to become somewhat shorter than it would otherwise be when firm.


In some instances there is little or no pain associated with Peyronie’s, but in other cases stiffening of the member may cause substantial pain. It is also not uncommon for a man with Peyronie’s to experience some pain or discomfort during sensual activities.

Conversely, some men report that the build-up of plaque actually causes a “deadening” or loss of some sensation in the male organ. This often interferes with their sensual pleasure.


There are a number of things which can cause Peyronie’s. Trauma to the member is a common cause, occurring when the member experiences rough handling or a sharp blow. There is also an association between Peyronie’s and gout, heart disease and diabetes.

Many doctors also believe that some medications and supplements can be contributing factors to this bent male organ condition. Among the medications which are considered to be possible contributing factors are:

- Beta blockers.  Many people with high blood pressure and/or heart disease are prescribed a class of medicines called beta blockers to help deal with these issues. Beta blockers are associated with fibrotic tissue disorders, which include Peyronie’s disease. If a man is using a beta blocker and suspects that there may be a connection with Peyronie’s in his case, he should discuss alternative medication options with his doctor.

- Anti-seizure medication. Some medicines used to control seizures, such as phenytoin, are also on the Peyronie’s cause list. Again, discussing possible alternative with a doctor should be considered.

- Interferon. Interferon is often used in treating multiple sclerosis, as well as such conditions as leukemia and hepatitis C.

A severely bent male organ, due to Peyronie’s or other causes, can be an issue for many men. If medications are adding to the problem, and others can safely be substituted, this will be a substantial help. However, a man may also want to use a quality male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to restore and maintain the organ’s health. (Even men without Peyronie’s can benefit substantially from a first-rate crème.) Those crèmes with acetyl L-carnitine are preferred; this is a neuroprotective ingredient which helps with peripheral nerve damage, such as that associated with Peyronie’s. Acetyl L-carnitine can assist in restoring lost sensitivity to the member. Another important ingredient in a crème is alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant. Alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-carnitine have a synergistic effect, and can offset harmful oxidative damage to manhood cells.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.