Loving Children When Everyone Else Refuses to Love Them

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Love the Children Foundation, Inc. is continually making a lasting impact in the lives of the orphaned, abandoned, abused children; and children of widows in distress.

As a non-government, nonprofit and residential care institution, the foundation is dully recognized by the Philippines' Department of Social Welfare and Development or DSWD. They are licensed as a social welfare agency and accredited by the City Government of Davao.

Love the Children Foundation has contributed to many transformed lives since its inception in 1999. Through a myriad of ups and down. Challenges in faith and perseverance, the foundation has been sustained through grace and the loving support of generous donors and partners.

Countless lives have been positively changed through their programs as evidence by the featured real life stories in their website. Their aim is not just to providing the most basic needs, but to really give the children in their care a solid foundation that they can stand on. Their holistic programs are not just for poverty alleviation, but ultimately poverty elimination of the children that they care for.

It has been their mission to provide alternative homes aimed at developing a child's full potentials. They aim to provide an environment that is physically and socially conducive, emotionally and mentally supportive, culturally sensitive and spiritually rehabilitative. They wish to see the children under their care to become God fearing, morally upright, productive and contributing citizens to the nation.

As a children's foundation in the Philippines, their clientele is spread across:

ORPHAN: One, whose both parents are dead, widowed and /or separated, and is not economically capable of giving the child a decent life.

ABANDONED: One who has no proper guardian/ parental care, who is deserted and lives in the streets.

NEGLECTED: One whose basic needs deliberately remained unanswered and /or inadequately attended to. Ex. Malnourished, ill clad or without safe shelter.

CHILDREN OF WIDOWS IN DISTRESSED SITUATION: One who is either parent is dead and it is economically and financially incapable to rise up the child.

Social, Homelife, Health, Educational and Skills Training are among their programs. This promotes a strong balance of character and life skills into the children that they raise.

The local community also benefits from their practical Livelihood Training Services, giving families an avenue to improve their means of living. Their holistic approach to character formation has been instrumental to their success as a non-profit social service.

Though orphanage sponsorship is encouraged, the foundation has been proactive in establishing financial stability through their own livelihood projects. This is a forward thinking initiative with hopes of effectively supporting the foundation's ever growing needs.

Donors or ministries that are seeking to support efforts for children in 3rd world nations can strongly benefit from volunteer trips to the foundation. They can also support various special projects, donate food, vitamins, toys, furniture, office equipment, vehicles or land - as the needs to expand the work is ever pressing. Know how you can be involved through their website at http://www.lovethechildrenfoundation.org/