The benefits of having a coach for your executive team

Posted by Groshan Fabiola
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Many business owners are often so focused on their work and their objectives that they forget about the human aspect. Of course, when you own a company, it is normal to have a lot of employers and not be able to know each of them in a personal way, but most of the times it occurs that CEOs realize that this interconnection does not exist, not even between the members of their executive board. For this reason, some of them choose to get an executive coach, whether is a specialized person or somebody who has experience in the field because they have faced similar situations previously. It is said that it is easy to find the best players for a team, the trick is actually making them “play” together, and this applies not only in sports, but in any other field, and the corporate ones is no exception. Of course you have chosen the best people of your company to help you lead it: each of them has expertise in their domain, but when it comes to putting their work together, does it bring the expected results? They may be the best in their departments, but collaborating with the rest of your directors can be a difficult task, which is why you may consider collaborating with a business mentor. This person should not only have at least the basic knowledge about your company, but also know some things about the audience, that is, the executive team you are leading.

To begin with, before organizing a meeting between the executive coach and your team, make sure you talk to the coach. A lot! They must be informed about any detail you consider relevant, not only for your business but also for each of the tram members. They should be the person who knows their issues, professionally and personally, in order to design plan which will deliver the results you expect. You have to let them know about all the issues you notice, individually and also related to the team work, the things you think need improvement and also relevant patters. However, remember that the business mentor’s duty is not to solve your problems, but help you find results. They will listen to you, draw their own conclusions, and as a specialist, they will know which the most suitable message that must be delivered to your team is. Having an executive coach may also consist in some individual meetings: these are the one-to-one sessions the coach has with each member of the team, in order to obtain various inside views on the issues you presented previously. It may be easier for them to talk directly to an external person, and tell them their opinion on matters they cannot discuss with you or with their mates. After each meeting, usually confidential, the mentor will present you a report based on how the executives see things, so that you will be able to find by yourself a solution to possible problems.

In addition to this, having a business mentor will also facilitate bonding between the team members. If they know some basic things about each other, such as number of family members, values or life priorities, they will be able to collaborate better and understand each other. They have to acknowledge that they are responsible for each person working on their department and also for the whole business and that they all work for the same goal.

To find out more about executive coach or business mentor, please click on these links.