There comes a time in every man’s life when his romantic life starts to lag.  For the lucky ones, this doesn’t happen until they have reached a certain age of maturity, wherein it’s less stressful to struggle with a low male drive.  For others, this problem may occur at an age when he really doesn’t expect to be dealing with it yet; this can often have embarrassing consequences.  Whether a man is 20 or going on 70, a marked shift in one’s male drive warrants a trip to the doc to determine what could be the cause.  This shift in libido and interest may be the result of a dipping androgen level, and it may be reversed with appropriate treatment. Though a man’s hormone levels may be difficult to control, there are other ways he can take his male organ health into his own hands – no pun intended! 

What are the signs of a low androgen level? 

Men battling a low androgen (low androgen) level may experience tiredness, irritability, muscle loss, and possibly even male dysfunction issues in addition to their lowering male drive.  Known by the medical term andropause – also known as male menopause or man-o-pause – the condition is real and has a medical basis to it. Though it is more common in older men, young men can also experience these symptoms if they have a hormonal imbalance or deficiency of T.  The changes tend to be gradual; in fact, they often happen over the course of several years.  For a man with no glandular or hormonal issues, the gradual decline begins around the age of 30 and continues on he ages. 

Do all men experience man-o-pause? 

While all men certainly do experience a drop in T, it is simply a product of aging, not all men experience the same symptoms.  Some men are deeply bothered by it and notice it readily, while others really feel about the same.  This difference may be related to how high a man’s T level was in his peak, as well as how drastic the change in his sensuality was.  For men who weren’t hungry beasts throughout their 20’s and 30’s, the change may be subtle enough that the lowered male drive is not really an issue in the bedroom. 

Is the condition treatable? 

Absolutely.  Many men who are suffering from low androgen elect to have hormone replacement therapy in which their doctors prescribe synthetic hormones to them.  Treatment may not reverse all symptoms, but it often works to increase male drive, reduce feelings of depression and improve energy levels.  Men who are experiencing a dip in T are also recommended to beef up the exercise program – both cardio and weight lifting – as the drop in the hormone causes a man’s muscle mass to gradually lessen.  Often times, the treatment will perk up the pecker enough to resume a normal romantic life, but if there continues to be male dysfunction issues, a man may be dealing with two separate problems, in which case the doctor can help sort out both the dysfunction and the low androgen. 

Is the treatment safe? 

It is important for a man considering the treatment to speak to his doctor about the risks and benefits of T replacement therapy to ensure he is a good candidate. Research that indicates a possible link between certain types of hormone therapy and an increased risk of prostate cancer.  A doctor can best counsel the individual about the risks based on family history and personal health history. 

Keeping the male drive bumping 

Of course, a man can help improve his chances at a healthy reproductive life by staying physically active, getting plenty of exercise, minimizing stress in his life, and avoiding alcohol – all of which help keep the male organ in good working order.  Additionally, adding a male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing male organ-essential vitamins and minerals can help increase the sensitivity of the male organ, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and aging male organ skin, and help maintain the health of the male organ on a cellular level for many, many years to come.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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