B2C lead generation for small business

Posted by eFactor Digital
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Press (newspapers and magazines) is the most commonly used method of offline lead generation to generate consumer leads (61% of respondents), followed by direct mail/postal data (51%). The most effective B2C lead generation techniques are all online. More than half of company respondents (52%) said that paid search was 'very effective' while almost as many (48%) said that natural search was very effective.

Lead generation is a win-win for both the buyer and seller. It also provides historical activity and detailed reports of each part of the sales cycle.

Growing your existing client base and gaining new accounts is the most basic element of a sales coverage model. Implementing this can take a variety of forms and continually challenges even the most astute companies. Why? Because customer needs continue to change, technology advances add new dimensions to being “virtual,” the competition changes and new products give you exposure to new markets.

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Actually there are two segments; building the 'potential & real' customer base AND building the opportunity PIPELINE. It's more than just a bunch of names that you can cold call and mass market to, responding to and building opportunities helps outsourcing companies understand future potential sales growth. I haven't seen too many cases where a customer base can effectively predict sales growth, but the pool of opportunities you can. Be careful... pipeline care, management and continued attention is not without lots of hard work.
(... To read more about it, check here:- B2C lead generation for small business).