Azon Auto Builder

Posted by Andrew Larder
659 Pageviews

amazon auto builder

Azon Auto Builder

What Is Azon Auto Builder?

Azon Auto Builder is a one of a kind automated amazon affiliate site creator software designed for those that don’t have the expertise or know how to build their own amazon sites but have the desire to make money as an amazon affiliate.  The software is completely automated mean all the user has to do is put in their personal info and click a button and the software literally builds their amazon site from start to finish!  Here are some of the features…

Module 1

  • User installs a fresh wordpress installation on their domain
  • The user will then enter their login details and their site title and description
  • The software will then do all of the basic setup of their site on auto pilot… Pages, main categories, deletes sample pages, sets permalinks, installs plugins ect.. it sets up everything

Module 2

In module 2 the user will enter their amazon affiliate information and the software will automatically update their site with the info

Module 3

Module 3 is all about content syndication.  The user will put in their social and web 2.0 profile details and the software will automatically update their site so that it will be ready to syndicate content the software adds for them

Module 4

In module 4 the user can post amazon products by pasting in a list of asin’s gathered from amazon and the software will automatically add products to their site

Module 5

In module 5 the user can add products by keywords.  This module can also be setup on a schedule so the software automatically searches and adds new products based on the users desired schedule

Module 6

Module 6 is all about setting up the design template and updating all of the settings so the users site will look great

More About the Posting of Products

This part of the software is truly awesome!  The first part is that it will automatically syndicate the content to other social and web 2.0 pages when the user adds new products to their site.  When the user post products,  the actual product post will have all of the information about the product including reviews but the software adds 2 more key additions to the product post.  The software will automatically add video reviews (if available) of the product.  The software also adds comments to the product post from real users.  That means each product post will have unique content and that will each product post to get indexed by google!

Azon Auto Builder