I see a lot of APSense members like my posts in the live feed. That's great of course and I love it that you like it but...

How does that help you? Or me?

Well if you like a post on APSense you will get some honor points from APSense but you can't buy groceries with those. And it does not do anything for your online presence or ad anything to your profile.

When you like something on Facebook that is much more visible as opposed to APSense.

So what else can you do that builds your profile, gets you useful contacts and a better online presence?

Almost everything else you can do on APSense. Read articles, revpages and questions and write useful feedback (not just 'very nice' or similar. Write unique articles and rev pages. Ask a question whereby the answers can help others too. 

And most important: share on other networks. Not only your own content but also the content of others you like. This is what turns your casual contacts in business relations. This is how you build an online presence. This is how to get people to follow you. Posting useful comments helps to brand you as an expert in your niche.
And whats more, after a giving time the persons who's content you share will take notice and return the favor.

Trust me, serious marketers that understand the value of the digital word of mouth will check comments and shares on their postings. And take you serious. I did that and gained business partners and contacts that refer customers by doing this.

So what can you post yourself? You can write about a program you are in but if you do, research the program first so you are sure it's legit. Nothing harms your reputation more than promoting questionable programs; serious marketers will avoid you like a plaque if you do (remember that will show on your profile that can be the very best advertising tool you can have). When you write about a program write about why you like it, how the program helps you and can help others.

You can also write something about yourself i.e. a personal experience, an anecdote. This will help you to become a person instead just another face.

Apropos your face is also one of your most important marketing tools. Always use a picture of you on all networks you are in. Brand your advertising with your face. People follow people they know and trust and are more likely to sign up or become a customer if they know and trust you.

This happened to me and it can happen to you too. It won't happen overnight: it takes time to build trust and respect and an trustworthy reputation. But... just liking things on APSense won't do the trick, even if you like a thousand times a day.

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