Adult Sheath Removal - Benefits, Risks and What to Expect from the Procedure

Posted by John Dugan
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The vast majority of males who are cut undergo the procedure in infancy or childhood. However, because of recent research that points to certain health benefits, adults are increasingly opting for surgical ablation of the sheath. This is a decision that men should make based on accurate information and the recommendations of a qualified urologist. Understanding the why’s and how’s of sheath removal may help men to decide whether the surgery is for them, as well as how to plan for male organ care after the operation and in the future.

Reasons for sheath removal

  1. Phimosis/paraphimosis – When the sheath is so tight that it will not retract easily over the male organ (phimosis) or when it becomes trapped behind the head of the male organ (paraphimosis), complications can occur, including painful relations and/or loss of circulation. While there are other means to treat this problem, men with ongoing issues may opt to simply have the sheath removed.
  1. Cancer of the manhood – Due to evidence that a sheath increases the risk for cancer of the male organ, men who are in high-risk categories for the disease, or who have already developed cancerous cells on the sheath, may undergo sheath removal as a medical necessity.
  1. Partner-transmitted infections – The sheath offers a great deal more surface area, as well as a warm, moist environment, that is ideal for incubating disease-causing organisms. Men who are uncut may be more prone to partner-transmitted infections than men who have been cut.
  1. Autoimmune disease – Research in Africa has shown that sheath removal reduces the risk of contracting the autoimmune virus by 50% - a fact which in itself makes the procedure worth considering in at-risk populations. However, sheath removal alone cannot offer complete protection, so men who have it done will still need to take appropriate precautions.
  1. Cosmetic preference – Finally, there are men who choose to be cut just because they think it looks better, or because they are concerned that the loose skin and the tendency to accumulate material underneath it may be off-putting to potential partners.

What to expect during the procedure

Before men undergo sheath removal, they should make sure they are fully informed about what to expect, both beforehand and after surgery. Here are the general procedures that will be followed:

  • He will have a  full physical examination to ensure that he is healthy enough to withstand surgery and can tolerate the anesthesia;
  • An anesthesiologist will administer either a local or general anesthetic;
  • The surgeon will pull the sheath down over the head of the male organ fully and remove it with a specialized tool;
  • Dissolvable sutures will be  applied to close the incision;
  • A dressing will be applied to the area to keep it clean;
  • Following a recovery period, the patient will be able to go home.
  • Some bruising, swelling and male organ pain may occur and may be controlled with prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers (if bleeding, fever, or extreme pain occur, the patient should seek medical attention;
  • The patient will be advised on how to clean the area and should follow these procedures as directed.

Maintaining long-term male organ health

Once the sutures have healed and the swelling and bruising have gone down, a man can begin to enjoy his new, sleeker look, as well as easing his way back into activities like self-stimulation and coupling. In some cases, men may find that their male organ is not quite as sensitive as it used to be. While most studies have found little difference in sensitivity between a cut and uncut male organ, this problem is mostly in the eye of the beholder, so taking steps to make sure that the newly exposed skin is healthy and responsive is an important concern.

While cleaning the male organ will now be easier, keeping the head moisturized and supple may be a different story. As a result, adding a moisturizer that is appropriate for use on the male organ can be a good idea. A vitamin-rich male organ nutrient creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that contains natural plant oils such as Shea butter or jojoba is a simple and effective way to nourish the skin of the entire male organ, as well as locking in moisture and supporting optimum cellular function.

Visit for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.