How I Drive Traffic To My Site

Posted by Paul Hines
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That can be a tricky question since things are moving so fast in this fast paced Marketing world, there are several ways to drive targeted traffic to your site and you'll see and read all sorts of tips and tricks if you Google it. The only problem with Googling a topic is that if you're not careful you can get confused with information overload.

Below I'll list a few tips on the techniques that I use on a daily basis and if you're not using them already I strongly suggest you take a look at them and take what you need:

One of my favorite things or tool I use is BOOKMARKS, they're tere for a reason, all you have to do is click them and you can automatically bookmark your work. You can always automate your bookmarking by using Onlywire, I used to use that bookmarking system. Sure there's plenty of bookmarking systems out there but I'm partial to Onlywire because its affordable and newbie friendly.

Twitter: If you're a beginner its a good idea to register with Twitter, I don't care what you hear about Twitter, you should be there. In fact you should be wherever your target Market is.

Instagram: Instagram came on the scene like gangbusters, so much so that Facebook bought it for a billion dollars and Mark Zuckerberg is not in the habit of wasting money on nonsense.

Pinterest: Same deal, Pinterest came on the scene strong because we're visual people but of course you know us Marketers would find a way to utilize it for Marketing. Pinterest can be used as a powerful Marketing tool if you take the time to learn a little about it. If you have trouble with seeing the bottom of any page there like I do at times all you have to do is go to the top of your browser and click VIEW to adjust the size of the page. You can also add links and video's to your Pinterest boards as well.

Instagram: Instagram is a no nonsense site that you may want to use as your professional business card, and whatever you do don't SPAM there or you'll be tuned out immediately and labeled a rookie and never taken seriously.

Facebook: The big daddy of them all and the most misunderstood of all the Social Media sites because everybody wants a piece of the Facebook Marketing pie but most have no clue how to go about it.

First of all don't spam anyone or your friends and family, create your fanpage, its alright to ask your friends to stop by and like your page but make sure you only request 15 a day or you'll be put in Facebook jail for at least a month and good luck trying to contact Facebook trying to ask why.

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