What we expect when someone says "I will send traffic to your website..."? I think, in most of cases - real HUMAN visitors! And we are disappointed when we see that our site is visited only by bots.

Is the bot visits fake? NO! If someone say that he/she will send visitors to your site but in reality send bot - that's fraud. If someone promise you traffic & your website traffic rank increase and send bot to your website - that's not fraud or fake!

Is the bot visits usable? YES! Bot visits will increase your website Alexa Traffic Rank and Google Page Rank. Ofcourse, to increase Google Page Rank, your website must have good content too.

Is the bot visits Adsense safe? YES, if bot is not developed to make fake clicks on advertisement but it is developed to increase Alexa Traffic Rank and Google Page Rank. But any way - to be 100% sure (Adsense can change their policy at any time, 5 times per day), remove the paid adverisement (such as Google AdSense or Yahoo Ads) ads/banners from your web pages before generating bot traffic to them or create new page without paid advertisiment where to send traffic. 

Why bot traffic is important? Two main things - impress your website visitors & impress potential advertisers. Which of websites will looks more reliable for you - website with traffic rank #20,000 or website with traffic rank #2,300,000? Did you think that websites which are in market only few months and have traffic rank about #10,000 get this ranking of their real visitors? If, yes - think again :) 
And yes, bot traffic is cheap and fast!!!

How bot traffic works? Software use proxy servers and send bot to your website url. Also some part of traffic software send from referrer sites. These sites are well known, for example yahoo, huffingtonpost, techland.time, etc. In analytics results will appear different referrers, different countries and different browsers. Summary - high Alexa Traffic Rank and Google Page Rank increasing.

Where to get bot traffic? Here, at APSense Talents! I selling different packages of bot traffic:

Also you can find my offers at Seo Clerks too:


Promote my APSense bot traffic offers and get 50% earnings of each sale!

Promote 6000 visits for $5 (you'll earn $2,50 from each sale)

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