Empower Network Fast Start (No Matter What You Are Promoting?

Posted by Sadie T. O.
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I just got this question this morning:

“Michelangelo, as a new member of Empower Network, who wants to get started fast. Based on your experience, what should I look out for? This is the first
time I’m blogging (I’m on your Empower Network team), my mind
is completely empty. Do not know where to start?.”

- Liz

Reading my response to my team member will help you no matter
what biz op or MLM you are currently promoting.

So here was my answer to Liz:

Fantastic question, Liz!

The first thing that you should do to get your business off to a fast
start is, well let me back up for a second. The first thing that you
should do EVEN BEFORE you start getting your business off
to a fast start is to


Too many people naively believe, and through not fault of their own but
because there is so much HYPE online, that every guru has reached
success over night and that all you have to do is join and the Universe
is going to line up all its stars and you will make zillions of dollars
with just a few clicks and a few blogs.

That’s Bull&^%$#@!

In your email you mentioned how I earned over $40k in April and how one
of my videos mentioned earning that much the past months. Well, while that
is true, Liz, it did not happen over night.

I’ve been online quite a few years and been relentlessly collecting emails
for a while now. Those who reach my level of success with Empower
Network collect emails and make this their #1 priority and blogging second.

The truth is when you are ‘broke’ you don’t have much to blog about. What are you
going to blog about that you can’t pay your bills? When you start making
money your life opens up and you can do the things you truly want to
do and go to the places you dreamed of going and buy the things you’ve
always wanted…

Your next set of questions you need to ask yourself are:

What type of advertising are you going to have to do? How much money will
you be devoting to your business? How much time?

If you have more time than money then you have to ask yourself what sort
of low cost and FREE advertising are you going to be doing.

Liz, both paid and free advertising methods are found inside UOIS EN Diamond
campus and ALL have been proven to work.

One of my team leaders, Gary Aggio, started broke and using Free Traffic
sources ONLY he has gotten to over $2500 in monthly residuals.

The truth is it’s going to take you longer to grow your business without money
or leverage than it is with free resources so you are going to have to augment
your plan to account for these details.

You will have to give yourself the time to see your ends come true…

Yes, Gary, has reached a nice level for residual income but Gary worked his
butt off at the beginning.

If you are going to be doing free advertising I suggest you start out with multiple
safelists where chances are the entrepreneurs who come across your email are
hurting and are not making money and need help.

That’s why our Niche Ad Generator landing page and all our landing pages
work so good. They help people no matter what biz op or MLM they are in.

While everyone else is sending Empower Network links our team send links
that genuinely can help anyone and everyone no matter what they are currently

Hope this was helpful.

Michelangelo Lopez


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