Explore the Kenya and Tanzania safari with an incredible experience

Posted by Imtiyaz Alam
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In this earth, there are many places where the real essence of nature can be experienced. However, in our busy life, hardly we can enjoy the beauty of nature to the fullest. But keeping aside all our worries, we can enjoy the nature along with its wildlife in a safari expedition. Well, talking about safari, one place comes to everybody’s mind i.e. the deep forest of Africa and its wildlife species. Wildlife safari lovers can explore the nature of Kenya and Tanzania with the help of the safari professionals provided by different tourist operators.

The Kenya and Tanzania safari will approximately take 12 days journey. This expedition includes the famous Nogorongoro Crater, Serengeti and Masai Mara in Tanzania and Amboseli national park in Kenya. The meaning of Serengeti in Masai language is “endless plains.” This park is known to be the largest national park in Tanzania that is situated on a high upland and surrounded by the borders of Tanzania, Kenya and Nogorongo highlands. From the starting till end, the journey will be guided by the professional safari itineraries.

On the 1st day of journey, people will be introduced by their respective safari guides and after that will be shifted to a hotel to say during the night. The 2nd day of the journey will be headed towards the Lake Nauru National Park where more than 1 million flamingos plus a rhino sanctuary of both black & white rhinos can be seen. Well, it also includes other wildlife creatures like buffalos, zebras, lions and leopards. The 3rd and 4th day of the safari, people will be taken to the game reserve, Masai Mara that is famous throughout the world. A lunch will be arranged in the lodge. In the upcoming days, people will be taken to Serengeti national Park, Nogorongo Crater, Lake Manyara National Park, Amboseli National Park in Tanzania and Kenya. Finally, the journey will end at Nairobi.

Well, with the help of professional guides, people will not feel bore and tiresome during the expedition and thus making the wildlife journey safe and memorable.