An investment with a certain rate of return and no chance of default

Posted by vasile asavei
754 Pageviews
Although various investments (for example, savings accounts or blue chip stocks) meet these requirements, a Treasury bill is the most common example of a riskless investment. Risk-free investments have such a low level of risk that it may be ignored.

All our loan operations are insured and each one has a security which is equal to the amount of loan plus the interest on the loan. We use the funds invested by our members. So all your investments are insured by default
By putting your money to work with us, you will make the right decision. You will not only increase your savings, but will also help those in need.

We add 5% on every deposit of $5,000 or above made through Bank Wire. This offer is valid for wires sent from September 20, 2012. It does not apply to wires sent before this date.

Charity account purpose:

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