I hate surf parties, I never win!

Posted by Paula van Dun
519 Pageviews

If this applies to you, read on. There may be a very simple reason for that. Below may applies if you are reading what is required to win (how many sites, what TE, send in support ticket or code).

The reason might be that you have joined TEs using different email addresses and user names. If that is the case it is almost impossible to win.

Because TE owners usually compare stats from DB tables. These are not the same in each TE script but they do all have a column for user names and most have one for the emails used to sign up. However the emails are not pulled up in every TE script to determine the winners. So if you are userA on the first TE and userB on the second TE the stats are very unlikely to match unless both TEs can pull email addresses as well to determine the winners.

So if you want to participate in Surf Parties and win cash and credits prizes, it is important that you sign up at TEs using the same user name and email address everywhere.

As for email addresses, all TEs accept gmail addresses but there are a lot that do not accept email addresses from certain providers like Yahoo because of the bouncing rate.

On LMFTE bases TEs it is possible to change your your user name. On most TEs you can change your email address. Keep this in mind when signing up for TEs and you will find yourself to be a winner more often.

If you already did sign up on many with different usernames/emails and it is too much of a hassle to go everywhere and change it, it is best to participate in in-house promotions. Many TEs have those. TEs use promo codes for that, or prize pages that need to be reported. Some rewards like progressive surfing ratios are assigned automatically. On many LMFTE based TEs you need to claim your surfer award after you surfed enough pages. In most cases you can choose the reward you want, credit, banner impressions or text link impressions.

Also note that credit allocation is not the same in every TE. In many cases you will need to assign your credits. Surf-bar-traffic has a daily in-house promotions. The only thing you need to claim by reporting, are our cash prize pages. In the non-stop surf party from add-onten you earn many credits just by surfing a set of TEs simultaneously. Also here; it only worls 100% if you have the same user name on all TE s in the surf channel. However TEs in the surf channels are shuffled evey few weeks.

I hope you gained a bit more insight in how surf parties work and that you will win more prizes from now on.