Yahoo! Search Marketing account

Posted by Purwanto CY
433 Pageviews
From now til 31 October 2012, sign up for a Yahoo! Search Marketing account and, redeem your CapitaVouchers in 3 easy steps*:

    1. Fill out the form on the right. Tell us your details so that a Yahoo! representative can contact you.   
    2. We'll contact you to set up your Yahoo! Search Marketing account.    
    3. Start running your ads on Yahoo!. Ads will go live within minutes and attract new customers immediately.

What are the benefits of using Standard Match:

  • Target specific keywords for relevant searches
  • Helps improve search performance by targeting your results to relevant set of customers
  • For greater control, you can manage your keyword match types at different levels in your account.

A feature of the keyword match Type, Standard Match occurs when a user enters a term that is the same as the term you have bid on. When searching online, potential customers may type in many variations of your keywords, including:

  • Misspellings
  • Singular/Plural forms