Daily Mission: Follow the Red Thread

Posted by Paula van Dun
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Internet business is a fluid world, even more when dealing with people online. You never know what the day will bring. It is that surprise element what I love about online work;  every day brings surprises, some times small ones, sometimes big ones. Sometimes pleasant, sometimes nasty ones. Whatever the internet day brings,  it is never boring. This is why I love this work so much.

However this makes planning a little bit harder in general than in the offline world where there are less distractions in general. I really had to learn to deal with those.

When I started with online work I often started focused in the morning, got side tracked and asked myself at the end of the day: I have been busy but what have I done?

Shutting the virtual door (close skype, ignore email) was not an option for me since  I tend to handle support questions asap and I want to stay in touch with my business partners and skype rooms that provide good info all the time. In order to get anything done you need to learn to ignore them at times. So I developed my personal red thread strategy.

I have set a long time goal. I have a long term planning, my business plan for that. For short time goals I follow the red thread. My red thread has knots. The knots are completion of certain tasks that I consider important to reach my end goal whereby some knots are bigger than others.

That does not mean I never get side tracked. Sometimes I let myself get side tracked but only after I have given it some thought. In many cases I just make a not and continue what I am doing.

There are some knots in my red thread that are boring but essential. Right now it a giant task of changing links on profiles: instead of a specific site or partner url I am changing to my ABC link (when there are changes in future all I have to do is update my ABC) and changing out submitted programs in Ventrino TEs for another due to ending of a partnership and the beginning of a new one. Plus rewriting articles where links of the old partner is embedded. Of course I could just delete those articles but that would be a waste. I wrote another article about that.

In my red thread there is a big part related to social media marketing like engaging on social media and writing articles and blogs. I love to write but since English is not my native language it requires concentration. So in between I do other things like creating graphics for customers or for own use (splash graphics, banners, illustrations for articles for better conversions), I read or surf and chat a bit.
Chatting in surfs and skype rooms is great for making new connections but also to gain insight in what is going on behind the scenes. Sometimes I attend a webinar when not in my sleeping time.

TIP: A big time saver and means to get better results is to combine tasks. An example is this article. I try to write a few every week. In this article I refer to some other ones I wrote. I am also doing that when revising/rewriting articles. Thus creating a network of related articles.