Business and Emotions: what to do with all your articles when a relation is beyond repair.

Posted by Paula van Dun
883 Pageviews
I recently was faced with a break up with a partner I worked with for about 2 years. This business relation is beyond repair, who and why is not important in this context.

I wrote a lot of articles and post around the services of this partner. That now all contain links that do not benefit me. Emotions were involved and my first thought was to delete them all.

However I learned a long time ago that business and negative feelings and emotions do not mix well. So I forced myself to do nothing and to cool down for some time before taking action.

After giving it some more thought I decided to review the articles and posts and to rewrite them. There are several with many likes and back links; it would be waste to delete them all. Also it takes ages before they are vanished out of search results in search engines.

In my case I am lucky that my new ventures have similar and related services so it aint that hard to rewrite them in a way so that they benefit me and my new found partners and opportunities.

Of course the same applies if a company you wrote articles for no longer exists or if you decide to switch partners for ever what reason voluntarily.