What are Quick Response Codes ?

Posted by Anon E.
559 Pageviews
You have probably seen them floating around on your daily travels and did not pay much mind. QR Codes are similar to bar codes, you know the ones you find on books, packaged food and a whole list of others items.

To describe QR Codes or Quick response Codes in a metaphoric way is to think of them as physical - real life hyperlinks to the virtual internet world.   You can link physical items to the profile of your Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or other social media membership website.

There are a number of free services available online, where your can generate a QR Code for any of your websites and place it on your offline material, such as flyers, gadgets and other merchandise.

A good example of QR codes in use is the scenario I use in my blog post here; where I describe how a photographer uses QR Codes to display work at exhibitions.

To try out how scanning the codes with a mobile phone works, why not download one of the many free apps available for iPhone and give it a go. If you use your imagination you will soon think up many new ways of improving your online marketing efforts - offline.

All the best
