My Program Is Better Than Yours! Really

Posted by Lemont Wells
459 Pageviews

Have you ever heard This Line Before

                                    MY PROGRAM IS BETTER THAN YOURS!

Marketers spend nearly 90% of there time trying to prove their program, opportunity or product is better than yours or the next persons. Online generally no one can really see your product your are offering or promoting except for the information and pictures of it on the website you offer if you have one.
The hard truth is you can spend all year long posting ads,blogs, videos and other types of marketing tools to tell the world your product is better is simply a waste of time until people have it in their hands or have access to it online.

One of the main reasons people don't want your so called better program or product is you offer and talk to much hype about it.  Do you really think people believe you when you do a video you made $50,000 over night with your so called worlds greatest product.

If you want people to accept and believe you have the best product or service out there stop offering so much hype, above all stop lying to yourself and others.

1. Offer the benefits of the product or service you have.
2. Believe in the product or service you have

Well let's see what makes your program better than mine.

A. Do you advertise your business online and offline
B. Do you have to sell it  and meet a quota
C.  Have your product or service been around at least 5yrs
D. Do you make commission form the product or service you offering
E. Do the company have at least 1 million customers world wide.
F. Is the company debt free and is in good standing with BBB and D.S.A. an other business bureaus

If you have to do A than your product or service isn't better than mine and others.
If you have to do B your service or business isn't better than anyone's.
If your product or service don't meet C the 5yrs term your business and service is still in newbie state of business and surly not better than mine.
If you did D and make a commission form your business it surely better than no ones else,  we all make commission form our sales.
If your company don't meet E and only have 10 or 15,000 distributors and not a least a million customers i know for sure your company not better than mine or one else business.  It's really simply when you have millions of customers the world knows you have something good to offer.
If your company don't meet F an isn't Debt Free and in good standing with D.S.A and other business bureaus how can it be better ? The main reason your company isn't really in good standing is more than likely complaints ,fraud unfounded testimonies etc.

Great Home Business-

 So Let Me Make This Very Clear To You!

This is just a great home based legit business to be a part of today!