The question is simple.  Who's list are you currently building?

Yours or theirs?

There is overwhelming number of sites all claiming to be your list builder made easy
and if you aren't using it, then you're not making any money. Blah Blah Blah Blah...

Well, they're partially correct only it goes like this.

"If you do not have an autoresponder working for you,
there is no list, no leads, no follow-up, no conversion,
and no income."

NO INCOME?  Did you get that? This is the key to it all!

It's also said the money is in the list and fortune is in the Follow up which
is exactly what an autoresponder does for you.

When they say automate your online business, the big dogs mean that they
use autoresponder service to automatically deliver pre-written letters and
eCourses, to those who have requested it!

Combined with the ability to send broadcasts to the list at anytime, this is
a vital Internet marketing machine and the basic reason why they make
money and you don't, yet...

I've found some people are afraid of autoresponders or writing the letter series
for an ecourse, or even sending a broadcast to announce a birthday special!

I could go on forever about why you should be building your list first and foremost
but I won't.  You either want to make life changing income online or you're happy
with the money generated from a part time online hobby.

In closing I ask you to think seriously as you read this short story below.

Two marketers are promoting the same program which pays a whopping
50% commission ($10.00) on every sale of a much needed traffic package.

Marketer A:

Takes the admin's provided referral link and starts adding it everywhere to show
it to the world and hopefully get new sign ups.  Marketer A also spends a lot of
time clicking for credits to drive traffic to this new profitable site along with many other types of traffic sources.

Traffic received:  10,000 unique visitors in 24 hours.
New Referrals:    0
Ad run cost:        $100.00

Marketer B:

This marketer also logs into the account and collects all the available promotional material provided by the admin of the site.

He/She logs into their autoresponder service and creates a friendly invitation for this new traffic source which will help their business grow and provides their affiliate link.  Using the collected admin provided marketing material they add the facts and other noteworthy items which helps explain the offer clearly and effectively.

They go on to explain in this friendly message the details of the one time offer or any specials so that they too can position themselves to gain the most traffic and the most money when they join.

Traffic Received:  500 unique visitors in 24 hours from one broadcast to their list.
New sign ups:     42 total
Upgraded:           21 x $10.00 = $210.00
Ad run cost:         10 minutes.

As you can plainly see, the whole reason you may be failing to make the money you desire and it seems everyone else is really cashing in, it's because you ARE building SOMEONE Else's list instead of your own.

The math tells reveals the reality doesn't it.

Marketer B also does something Marketer A does not.

Marketer B uses traffic to build their list first and with every visit to the lead capture page.  Marketer A will continue hoping and guessing throwing hit after hit to the referral link and produce little if anything - no results.

One change in the way you're may be currently doing things can provide life changing results and in less time with less work.

Be Like Marketer B!

Until next time...

Build your list.

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