Are you into lazy online marketing?

Posted by Philippe Moisan
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online marketing | Philippe Moisan |

Lazy online marketing. Now, what could that mean?

Plenty of things:
  1. Copying articles without saying where it comes from.
  2. Sending unsolicited links in private messages.
  3. Seeing something work but not follow.
  4. Not observing the moves of successful marketers.
  5. Copy and paste “Hi, have a great day” to hundreds of people within minutes on a social network.
  6. Joining groups about specfic topics but not posting anything.

That’s off the top of my head. There are as many examples as there are types of actions that can be accomplished in your online marketing efforts. Now, am I saying I ‘m never guilty of laziness? I would be an outright liar if I did. I am lazy in certain things. For instance, I have bought hundreds of eBooks and videos about online marketing, network marketing, success, personal development, traffic, article marketing, you name it, I have an eBook or a series of videos about it. Have I looked at everyone? I have looked at only a few. I buy on impulse, thinking “This is it! This is THE answer!” and I get distracted by something else I see on a site, usually within the next minute.

Nuances in online marketing

Some online marketing friends have told me: “Philippe, you are not lazy!” By that, they mean that I am very active in online marketing. Well, I think it would be better to say I am a mother Teresa. I help people, by writing articles, creating videos, making suggestions in comments, and some other things, in many cases at APSense, the business social network. In fact, I still struggle with myself about the very idea of making a lot of money online. Am I just fooling myself? Maybe. The point of this article is that it is useless to say: “I’m lazy!” or “I’m not lazy!” It’s not a black and white issue. For all sorts of reasons, we do some things and avoid doing some others because of pride, fear, boredom. Anthony Robbins says it best when he talks about pain vs pleasure. We avoid some activities because it makes us feel uncomfortable, until the pain becomes so strong that we act on it. Find what your strengths are in online marketing. Develop them. Make some money, enough to outsource the things you don’t like to do. Sacrifices will be needed whether or not you are just starting up or have years of experience.

Learn to use creative procrastinating in your online marketing.