We are pleased to announce our Release of the Internet Users Handbook, 2012, 2nd Edition after a 5 month rewrite. We completely reorganized our thinking and presentation to make our Release of the Internet Users Handbook, 2012, 2nd Edition clearly the best user handbook, users manual or users guide available on the internet.

Our 1-of-a-kind Internet Users Handbook brings the offline business success, sense and mentality to the Internet. We treat business as business and our handbook provides the Newbie starting to do business online and/or the seasoned professionals that are growing or diversifying their business with a master reference worthy of any library.

If you are serious about doing business online or helping others do business then then this handbook is a must have for you. Join our worthy cause as an affiliate and help us spread the word.

Table of Contents - Over 500 pages, chock full of examples, how-to guides and tips for doing business online while avoiding the scams.


Testimonials - A Note from Our Friends

1. The Internet Users Handbook and ISA Groups
2. Our Definition of a Scam/Fraud
3. How to do Your Own Due Diligence
4. Internet Crime is Big Business
5. Introduction to Internet Scams and Fraud
6. Various Types and Examples of Internet Scams
7. The$1,000,000 per day PTC/PTR Scam
8. Have You Prepared Yourself to Do Business Online
9. Follow your Passion Types of Online Businesses
10. Affiliate, Pyramid and MLM Programs
11. Managing Your Online Business
12. What is Spam and its Impact?
13. How to Advertise Your Business
14. Forex (FX) Follies - A Gamblers Dream...
15. Success is Yours, If You Plan and Prepare For It Appendixes

A. Your Personal Assessment
B. List of Emotional Trigger or Power Selling Word
C. List of Common Scam and Spam Words
D. Scam and Spam Complaints and Resources
E. List of Banned, Scam and Watch Sites
F. The $1,000,000 per day PTR/PTC Scam
G. Buy Leads List

Glossary of Common Online Terms
Glossary of Common Forex/Investment Terms
About the Author: Dr Don Yates Sr PhD


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