I'm not sure if you are familiar with something called "Viral Marketing" so i wanted to show you this amazing new marketing tool I recently found.

It's called "Staged.com" and it utilizes YouTube videos along with Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social network web sites available.

The beauty of this system is that literally everyone in the world is familiar with YouTube and has an account with a social network like Facebook. The last stat I heard was that 1 in 4 people in the world has a Facebook account!

This familiarity creates a huge level of comfort and feeling of "I can do this" here at Staged.com.

"Viral Marketing" is a method of marketing that basically says "Do the effort one time and watch the results continue to grow exponentially over time". This occurs as a result of people sharing your advertisement with others. Then those people share it with people they know... and so on.

Pretty soon 5-10 people who originally saw your ad can turn into hundreds or thousands of people. This is the "Viral" concept.

If you are looking for a simple way to generate traffic to any web site you own you should check this out!

There is also a tremendous opportunity behind sharing Staged.com with people you know. When you get a Staged account they also give you a replicated web site (see my link below) where people can sign up for Staged. When people join at your site you earn commissions from the sale!

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