Electronic Business Cards

Posted by Stan S.
663 Pageviews

Email signatures are powerful, low-cost, high-return marketing tools (your virtual business card or ad) for your business or organization. What is interesting is how current signature lines are not very effective. Typically everyone has a different signature line, sending a different message. Your email signature is an electronic business card. What's the message you want others to have? 8-10 lines of copy?

If your company or organization has 30 employees, with each one sending about 15 emails daily outside the organization, that’s 112,500 business cards or ads distributed annually, at no cost. If you have 100 employees, that’s 375,000 cards or ads annually.

My eSig will effectively brand your company name, logo and slogan...creating a consistent message. Allow the reader to easily click a button to access the information you want them to see.

Take a look and I know you will be impressed. http://esigmax.com

Best regards, Stan  Get

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