Are You feeling defeated ?

Posted by Guy Macino
566 Pageviews
I know that 97% of internet marketing programs are designed to fail, so you should really research the company that you are thinking of joining. I have been involved with network marketing for over 40 years since the early days of Amway. My wife and I both worked very hard at trying to be successful, we attended every meeting and function for a little over 2 years with no success to speak of. Most companies try to sell each and everyone of us the Dream of Freedom, and a lifestyle of the rich and famous, but in reality the only people who make any kind of income,  is to pester friends and family until they are sick and tired of hearing from you. Since then I got involved with a company called New Vision where I marketed vitamins and minerals. I had some success there by having over 1000 people in my downline and yet the largest check I ever  received was  $3300 a far amount away from living the dream!!!
What I have learned after all these years is that unless you work your fanny off you are only making the founders wealthy, yes you can eke out a little money working many of the Network Marketing  companies that exist in today's environment for the majority they never even get a hint of success. Today I am literally Doubling my money approximately every 10 weeks in a totally passive program, where the company does 97% of the work for me, and after all these years I can finally smell the success I have been searching for all of my life!!! :) I do not have to recruit anybody, I don't have to sell anything, I don't have to attend any meetings. Yes You Can Succeed in Network Marketing, all you have to do is find the right company to get involved with and You too can experience the Sweet smell of Success.