There are a lot of benefits of submitting your own articles to article directories but before we go into the benefits, what actually are article directories? A article directory is a database website that has a collection of articles submitted by various authors sorted by a variety of categories. Article directories can be access by the public and other publishers that are allowed to re-publish thus articles based on the guidelines set by the article directory.

There is countless number of article directories nowadays. Most of them are offering free membership to authors to submit their quality articles.
In short, this will be great news to website owners as well, who are checking for content to distribute to their mailing lists, since these article directories provide a fantastic one-stop resource to deposit and locate articles.

Now, if you are an author, you shouldn't simply compose articles or keep them to yourself if you require to get tons of readers to read them.

One of the most important things that you can do is to get your articles submitted to as many article directories as you can. You can get a list of the top article directories by doing a Google search for top article directories, the number one listing could be Top 50 Article Directories.

Let's see why you should submit your articles to these article directories:

1. You can establish yourself as an expert in your area.

For instance, if you are a doctor specializing in cancer treatment, you could create 500-word articles with reference to mesothelioma or breast cancer in addition to how to avert them. The more you write, the more exposure you'll obtain in addition to people could look at you as a well-informed person in your niche. Several article directories list top contributing authors and when people see your name amongst the top, indirectly in addition to subconsciously, they'll have a notion that you comprehend what you are talking about.

2. You don't have to pay for advertising anymore.

Web publishers as well as ezine proprietors are hungry for fresh, quality contents. Just give them what they desire. Wherever do these publishers look for articles? Many can find them at article directories.

If you compose excellent articles, these publishers could be more than happy to forward your articles to their mailing lists. to a single article blast, you could likely connect with tens or hundreds of thousands of readers for free.

Article directory proprietors, at the same instance, are also actively advertising their article directories. This means your articles go along with their advertising campaign as well.

3. Your articles can be your viral advertising tools.

There are article directory owners who partner with other web owners to spread articles to various other websites. You submit 1 article to a directory and that same article appears on numerous other internet websites at the same time. This technology is referred to as RSS (Really Simple Syndication). If you didn’t know thus far, the strength of RSS is simply brilliant. Large websites could possibly pick up and post your articles at their sites.

Some site owners will gather up your articles in addition to forward them to other folks, who forward them to other folks yet again. Before long, you will notice your same article has been published on plenty of websites within days. It is actually that possible.

4. You can create heavy traffic to your website.

Search Engines like article directories due to their content and, time and again, reputable directories obtain massive hits from Google as well as Yahoo. You could piggyback the traffic received by these directories by adding your articles on their databases. Those who go to these article directory websites will likely read your submitted articles.

Just be sure you have a web site to market as well as you have already placed a link back to your site within your signature file at the end of all your articles.

5. You can generate sales even if you don't have a website.

If you are an expert in your field, people could read your articles and pay attention to you.  At the moment, if you refer your readers to any merchandise you commend, your suggestion won't look like a sales pitch to them anymore. It basically is a solution to their problems, however be extremely careful with the method you suggest products in your articles. On the whole article directory owners don't like blatant advertising in the articles.

Here's the best part. If you do not have a webpage, guess what? The article directories will be your sites. Your articles will be hosted on the article directory web-servers for free.

To acquire site visitors to contact you, leave your telephone number, email address or any special instructions to contact you in your signature file.

To sum up, the 5 reasons above are a number of good ideas on why you should submit your articles to a range of article directories. You will determine more benefits after you get involved in article submission actively.

In case you are searching for internet sites to publish your articles, below are a few On-line Article Directories you can visit.

To your success,

Cynthia Barbour

To get more information on article marketing as well as some additional internet marketing methods and resources go to:

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