Facebook Profits Review

Posted by Marvin Williams
1093 Pageviews

 "How Do I Make Money From Facebook... Exactly?"

If this is not your first time attempting to monetize from Facebook, I'm guessing you've done one or more of the following before:

You tried posting up ads using the Facebook Ads feature... and you got back mediocre results. You experienced a gazillion impressions with very few click through's let alone sales!

You tried creating a group or a fan page and you can count your members with your fingers, even after inviting your existing friends on Facebook (with a lot of them clicking the "ignore" button!)

And when you message the few members you had scrambled to get them to "like" your group or fan page, the response is far from being poor!

Maybe you also tried creating profiles or pages for your business in an effort to sell your merchandises or digital products. And you tried to get the word out by tagging your FB friends to notes, photos, videos, and whatever else you can tag them to. Only to be labeled a spammer! And thus your popularity dropped before the night.

Can you relate to any of the above mention statement?

Look, I believe in a few fundamentals to success. For one, if you do mediocre work you should expect to get mediocre results in return.

Conversely, if you take specific steps, you will get more specific esults that can deliver a deep impact to your overall bottom-line.

This is not just applicable to using Facebook to propel your current business venture. It's about how you do anything and thus how you do everything. Posting up ads blindly and simply setting up a group or fan page with no specific goals is not going to cut it.

“Introducing Facebook Profits...”

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