Have a look at some numbers:
  • 100 testimonials
  • 100 videos
  • 1 year
The first number is not quite right. I just got my 95th testimonial at APSense.

The 2nd number is not right either. I have 102 videos on my YouTube channel.

I saw these numbers grow recently, as I realized an anniversary was coming: my first year at being active at APSense. Not being a member, this happened on August 2010. But I started doing things around here on October 1st, 2010, after my friend Mark Hodgetts said in a conversation that he liked APSense a lot.

I was wondering if I would reach 100 testimonials before that date. Sorry if this looks like bragging. I have done my best to help APSense members throughout the year, and many of you have shown your appreciation through all kinds of ways: free gifts, free memberships, awesome comments, and testimonials...

2 weeks ago, I started doing live videos for blog posts, and since I do a new blog post every weekday, I got over 100 videos fast. Now, I wonder if I should have more than 1 channel, to distinguish between personal videos, online marketing and self development videos. What do you think?

In one week, it will have been one year since I wrote my first article at APSense. At the time, they were called blogs, and for me, a blog was like a WordPress blog, so I wrote the article based on that erroneous assumption. It's a naive article, but I won't ever delete it, as it shows where I come from. I have written more than 200 articles and more than 70 RevPages since then. Some articles are pretty short pieces, but I tried to make every article an informative one. I haven't taken the time to edit all of them, to add words and tags. I do it from time to time.

I want to thank everyone who has encouraged me, or took the time to write constructive comments on my articles, RevPages and videos. Special thanks to Wincer, he became a very good friend, we have been working together since the end of 2010 at trying to improve APSense in all kinds of ways. Some projects have succeeded, others have not, it happens. We won't know if we don't keep trying.

Also a special thanks to Neville Dinning, my best friend online. He knows what I've been  through all these months, the good times and the not so good ones. If you are not connected to him, I strongly suggest you do so right now.

Exciting times are ahead of us at APSense. TeamPromote has just started, and something new is coming to complete it.

Some people have told me they prefer other sites. I respect their opinion. I have made APSense my home among business social networks. I go to other sites of course, just like everyone does. But I always stay loyal to APSense, it has helped me grow so much in online marketing.

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