This is another trend I'm seeing Marketers adopt and its pop up ads, its like they have no idea that people hate pop up ads just as much as spam. Ok, here's the scenerio, you go through all the trouble to apply double opt in ads but have no problem once you're admitted by the customer or prospect, just bombarding them with pop up ads, whats wrong with this picture?


Its been my experience that when you push people hard enough, they push back and what's going to wind up happening is that we're going to soon be living in a whitelist world where everything and everybody will have to double opt in before they contact you about anything.


I'm not saying stop doing whats working but you have to take into account what people are saying about you and your brand and if spam and pop ups keep coming up in the conversation it could wreak havoc on your Marketing campaign. Your goal should be to be an invited guest, not the un-invited guest who crashes the party acting like a fool.


In closing I want to say that pop ups are no less offensive than spam, you don't want to undo 99% of your work with this nonsense, in my book we need a double opt in for pop ups as well. Its actually funny and frustrating to go to a site that you're interested in and can't read the article or even navigate through the site unless you fill in that pop up form. Does that make Marketing sense to you?

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