Solid Marketing Foundations

Posted by Paul Hines
697 Pageviews

Its been my experience that no matter what your product or service is that if your Marketing foundation has cracks in it you may as well build it on sand because it just won't hold up. The competition is getting fierce out here and you have to be on point and come correct or take the risk of being left behind or worse, being totally ignored.


As I said, customers and prospects are getting more and more sophisticated today and although they may not say anything you run the risk of never hearing from them ever again if your Marketing game is weak. This is coming from pure experience, I didn't read this anywhere or hear it from anyone. We all need a strong online presence and conversions not just views. Below are a few of my daily tasks that keep me relevant in the game:


1. Don't forget to use bookmarks, bookmarks lead to backlinks. People like your stuff and like it and its an automatic backlink from them to you and we all know Google doesn't love you untill everyone else does.


2. RSS feeds, overlooked but a vital part of the cement for your foundation. RSS feeds make it easy for your readers to go to one place for your latest writings. One of our goals is to make things easier for people to follow us.


3. Blogs, articles and press releases, be careful with press releases and make sure they don't sound too salesy, thats the key to great press releases.


4. Viral video Marketing will always be a powerful piece of your Marketing foundation, we as humans are visual people and would much rather see a short video than read a whole page of copy.


5. Marketing forums, groups and other free ad sites, again, I just spoke about the power of backlinks and getting your brand out there.


6. Don't be afraid to brand your name, its one of the most important things your parents gave you and when all else fails, you always have your good name.


7. Join powerful well known Marketing groups and introduce yourself and pay close attention to your profile signature and observe before you post, again, the power of backlinks can't be overstated enough, backlinks are Googles bread and butter, make it yours too.


8. Never ever sleep on Social Networks, say what you will about them, they're here to stay.


Make sure there are no cracks or weak links in your Marketing foundation, and always remember if you don't keep your stuff fresh and stay relevant then you'll disappear in all the other online noise out here. Stop by and see my work at:


In fact I invite you to Google, stop and advertise and pay close attention to the top number just to prove to you the power of backlinks when they're worked correctly.