This is a question that all online marketers ask themselves.  Many of those involved in online marketing will never write a single blog, article or post themselves.  They will rely on articles written by someone else through article directories and PLR.  The problem is that the will also never brand themselves.  They will put an enormous amount of effort into branding someone else.  The truth is you should be writing your own articles, but for many this is easier said than done.  But iti really is not that hard to do, the hardest part of the whole thing is:

Get out of your comfort zone!

Most people will till you "I'm not good at writing" or "I don't know what to write"
Both of these statements are 'reasons' for people to avoid getting out of their comfort zone.  So I'll share some tips on how to write your own original articles to promote yourself and your products.

1. Know your product-Learn how your product opportunity works, Know what it can and can't do.  this way you know what problems you can solve.

2. Facts tell, stories sell-Use stories to make your point-It doesn't have to be your story.  You can 'borrow' someone else story or even make up a hypothetical story.

3. Follow the following strategy: present the problem, present your product, show how your product can solve the problem-People want to know what is in it for them.  They don't care that you get paid, show them what they will gain from your product.

4. Be truthful-Don't fill your story with a lot of hype.  Be honest about what your product can do.  Pick one way your product can help and concentrate on that one thing.  You can always write another article later to concentrate on something else.

5. You are not Ernest Hemingway or Jules Verne or even a pulp fiction author, and you don't have to be-There's a scene on the movie Amadeus when Mozart is talking about being a 'vulgar man' and explaining why his 'lowbrow' productions were doing so well.  I can't post what he said but I can tell you in my own words.  People wanted opera about people they could relate to not God's sitting high up on Mt Olympus.  The common people could not relate to them.

You can get tips all day long from others who write but you are ultimately the one who has to take the bull by the horns, get uncomfortable and write.

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