Making a signature clickable at APSense

Posted by Philippe Moisan
1498 Pageviews
Some members at APSense have signatures that are not clickable. We have to copy and paste the into a new browser tab.

Here's how to make a signature clickable.

The signature is made of UBB codes. Here's mine :

[url=][color=green]Become an APSense Insider Today![/color][/url]

The URL, in this case is between [url=  and  ]

The text you want us to see is Become an APSense Insider Today!

The [color=green]   and   [/color] tell what color the text will appear.

The [/url] is required at the end.

Look at my signature, you'll see it appears as Become an APSense Insider Today!

We are limited to 100 characters for the whole thing. If you don't use the color tag, you have some more characters, and your signature will be blue, just like any other link we see everywhere.