Writing Tips And Ideas For Newbies

Posted by Paul Hines
674 Pageviews

Writing blogs, articles, press releases and writing for forums and groups can be a daunting task even for online pro's. There was a time when I would rather stick a fork in my hand than write my own original content. In fact, to be honest I got banned from Ezine articles for plagerism, I was a content thief, I was lazy and didn't want to take the time to learn how to be original. I no longer have to steal other people's hard work to get noticed and ranked, now I've been following Seth Godin for a year and have established my own writing style, don't let writing intimidate you like it does millions of others. Below are a few of my techniques I use on a daily basis.


1. Just because you load a post down with keywords doesn't mean its a good post, remember you're writing for humans not the Google Spiders.


2. Make sure you write interesting content that will help people with their problems.


3. Writing strictly for SEO and for people are 2 different things, make sure you use interesting keywords for the people who just scan over posts like I do sometimes, we need something to catch our eye or we're outta there.


4. Make sure you follow a flow, in other words don't be all over the place with your writing, keep with the theme.


5. Be a little colorful with your writing, its ok to be a little colorful but not to the point where your post is full of cuss words, people are put off by that and will get offended and your point will be lost.


6. I like to keep my posts to about 250 to 500 words, I'll stretch that if I'm writing a Press Release.


7. Yes you do want to be noticed by the Google spiders but try to strike a balance and pepper your most powerful keywords throughout your post.


8. Create a killer title, thats what determines if people will read your post most times, you can have the best content in the world but if your title sucks it won't get read.

